lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011


¿Y qué si hubiese no una, sino dos lunas alrededor de
un sol violeta?

¿Serían iguales los dedos a las lombrices?

¿Serían los úteros cámaras de tortura y la sangre clorofila?

¿Puede un árbol dar origen al fantasma o sólo es el
susurro del viento que le arranca suspiros a la tierra su enemiga?

¿Por qué puedo yo respirar veneno y continuar en pie, si las
comisuras de mi esquina están corroídas y llenas de pústulas?

Quien pueda responder que no lo haga, que se mantenga
silente y ajeno. No quiero saberlo.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Ever Turning Tales. Book 1. King's Hall

They gathered in the king’s hall. All heads of the houses were present. They were allies, friends. The King was not there, but that was not a problem. No fear about a quarrel.

Some of the nobles brawl but none could even imagine drawing swords among their peers. They argued, they raised voices, but it was always for the wealth of the kingdom.

Lady Arame, head of the Vrado house and Queen of Grevonrad, ruled the meeting. Lord Ynoth, head of the Sasou house, was very active. He arrived on an enormous carriage with eight strong Peratyan mares. Braided white manes and tails, gave them a vigorous and gallant presence. Lord Ynoth brought his sister, Lady Bellitha and their two dark furred Grylari.

Lady Yttaph, head of the former royal house, the house of Casminas, was worried about the expenses of the stewards in the northern frontiers. Lady Sirod, head of the house of Tosso try to keep order while the others tried to make their opinions to prevail. Lord Ekha, head of Tethuma, house arrived after all the other. He seemed distant, not that interested in the expenses in the north.

There were matters of higher importance for the kingdom than those ordinary decisions. Finally, Lord Otersn, head of the Adimae house, also arrived to the King’s hall. He seemed very tired. He was quieter than he usually used to be in this kind of meetings. Dark news danced around his head. He had dark news for the houses and the realm.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Mourning prayer

There goes a prayer for the sleeping soul

Awaken the mind, heart to be burn

With the senses of mystery, return

As time passes by, like it would be told

How death comes swift, and yearns

So silent for the mourn

Those powerful kings of old

We learn about from ancient tales

With tearful sad misadventures

Faded their proud, shattered their fame

They lost gold, purple and wealth

Kingdoms fell on ashes and flames

Like the rivers our lives flow

Toward the sea, death to be told

Lordship, fortress and houses

To the ground, all of them will fall

Rich and poor, lustful and chaste

Will crawl in the dark lady’s embrace

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Palabras para Vidolbranna

Y cuán azul puede ser un rostro sobre el mar de ojos, que dejo llagados sobre tu piel, cada vez que suspiro de entre tus ansias, mi libertad sigue oculta tras de tu silencio.

Cómo destrozar el dulce cerrojo que atenaza mis pies a tus caderas, como suben las nubes sobre una ladera, cuando al fin cede,

Soy sólo un frágil haz de luz cuando te atravieso de furor arrebatado, como un arcoiris veloz y sojuzgado, por el rocío sublime de tus párpados, empapados ellos de alegría serena.

Y no hay pena, no hay trampa, no hay cosa que pueda mecerse entre nosotros cuando dejo caer mi lanza y curo mis heridas con cada caricia que me esconde de todos los pulsos que me das para habitar mi espíritu como fruta deseada de ser mordida

Soy renovado, soy otro y todo lo debo a ser obstinado, dulce, pendenciero y tosco, pero de ti esclavo hasta que el mundo sea otro.