lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011
Ever Turning Tales. Book 1. King's Hall
They gathered in the king’s hall. All heads of the houses were present. They were allies, friends. The King was not there, but that was not a problem. No fear about a quarrel.
Some of the nobles brawl but none could even imagine drawing swords among their peers. They argued, they raised voices, but it was always for the wealth of the kingdom.
Lady Arame, head of the Vrado house and Queen of Grevonrad, ruled the meeting. Lord Ynoth, head of the Sasou house, was very active. He arrived on an enormous carriage with eight strong Peratyan mares. Braided white manes and tails, gave them a vigorous and gallant presence. Lord Ynoth brought his sister, Lady Bellitha and their two dark furred Grylari.
Lady Yttaph, head of the former royal house, the house of Casminas, was worried about the expenses of the stewards in the northern frontiers. Lady Sirod, head of the house of Tosso try to keep order while the others tried to make their opinions to prevail. Lord Ekha, head of Tethuma, house arrived after all the other. He seemed distant, not that interested in the expenses in the north.
There were matters of higher importance for the kingdom than those ordinary decisions. Finally, Lord Otersn, head of the Adimae house, also arrived to the King’s hall. He seemed very tired. He was quieter than he usually used to be in this kind of meetings. Dark news danced around his head. He had dark news for the houses and the realm.
lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
Mourning prayer
There goes a prayer for the sleeping soul
Awaken the mind, heart to be burn
With the senses of mystery, return
As time passes by, like it would be told
How death comes swift, and yearns
So silent for the mourn
Those powerful kings of old
We learn about from ancient tales
With tearful sad misadventures
Faded their proud, shattered their fame
They lost gold, purple and wealth
Kingdoms fell on ashes and flames
Like the rivers our lives flow
Toward the sea, death to be told
Lordship, fortress and houses
To the ground, all of them will fall
Rich and poor, lustful and chaste
domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011
Palabras para Vidolbranna
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
Odd the knight on the tale
It is said that a Knight
Life has taken as a lad
So when in the palace he is
We know the life he lives
Bread and water just one serving
and sour wine with no seasoning
Enjoy a lot and eats little
Singing songs like a madman
As he brings little clothing
Always hungry and cold he is
But always on his navel
A warm maiden will be gamboling
As for young women around
He has no longing
And singing and laughing with them
For with them he joyful is
While not eating he sure smiles
Love, kindness and friendship
Each and every breathe of life
That’s why he won’t leave palace
Not for hunt
Not for fight
Because life as a lad
He wants to enjoy, the knight
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Sobre trabajos y vocaciones
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
Romance de la novia quemada
sábado, 8 de enero de 2011
Athaloch's hill
Athaloch rode down the hilltop. It was a leaden morning. Sun appeared very shy for a moment then it hid behind great gloom dark clouds. The grass was very moist and it made him remember those last summer weeks among his people. Few days ago that same smell invited small animals to go out their dens and look for food before great predators awake.
He rode down to the base of the hill. They were waiting for him. The seven thunders of Gryna. In perfect formation, the sons of death ask him to be imprudent. Charge on them would only lead him to a trap. It was wiser to wait.
(Illegible part, because of burnings and cracks on the manuscript)
Anyway, death was for sure the most probable result of facing those semi-human creatures with purple eyes and nauseating breath. The seven thunders had been waiting all night. Their mission was to destroy that young lad with enraged look and sullen temper that was enough brave or maybe mad to challenge the goddess will.
Athaloch left his home once, when he saw the burning of the city of
(Another unreadable part that ends with “… the wrath of the goddess of the dark world”)
It was another destiny ahead on his life. He found it in a small village near to the Leigh Daar. The seven thunders of Gryna had been turning a green and blooming valley into an unbreathable waste. People were starving to death and very few children did survive their fourth birthday. Many babies did born already dead. However, the people from Khela were determined to not abandon their homes and die in their ancestor’s lands before thinking on escape from the seven demons lurking around their town day after day.
There in Khela, Athaloch realized that fate had brought him to help those brave peasants. After many years living among the wolves in
Athaloch gave a soft slap to his horse’s neck. The formidable equine was sweaty and tense. Athaloch’s thoughts flew to her. He drew his sword, took the battle-ax in his left hand and raised both arms. That was the sign. The seven thunders howl and throw themselves over the warrior.
Three days after, some of the men from Khela, twelve of them arrived to the battlefield. With them also came Thenay-Lu. There was no blood. There were neither bones nor signs of violence. They just found a huge old white wolf groaning over a broken sword. None ever saw the seven thunders again. In time, the valley lands recovered its green. People from Khela were farming again. Thenay-Lu went to live in a nearby hill. She built a hut with some help of the youngsters from Khela. There she waited for her last day always accompanied by Garrna the great white wolf she found where she expected to find the corpse of Athaloch. The people from Khela began to call her the Athaloch-mawr maiden.
Nothing more was ever known about the young warrior, but the people from Khela always talk and swear about how every year when fall begins they can hear the war cry from Athaloch fighting against the seven thunders of Gryna.